Donate a Car

Our “Cars for Homes” car donation program is a great way to get rid of your old vehicle and ensure that we have a world where everyone has a decent place to live! We accept almost all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, farm equipment, and construction equipment. When you donate your car to Habitat for Humanity, you’re helping us build homes alongside Sonoma County families.

What Happens When I Donate My Car?

When you donate your car to Habitat for Humanity, we will either sell it to a licensed dealer at a wholesale auction or take it to an auto salvage yard. Cars that are sold at auction are reused for transportation. Those taken to salvage are stripped of all reusable parts and then crushed, shredded, and recycled into steel. This keeps a significant amount of steel out of our landfills and saves enough energy yearly to power around 18 million homes! Habitat for Humanity receives funds for each car donation. We receive more than 78% of the gross revenue generated from vehicle sales every month – all of which goes to support our work!

Cars for Homes™ accepts a majority of cars, trucks, boats, RVs and other vehicles with proper title and ownership information, and makes the arrangements to have your vehicle, keys and title picked up for processing. Net proceeds generated by donated vehicle sales are used by Habitat for Humanity of Sonoma County to build homes in partnership with families in our community.

Donating a used car is quick, easy and may be eligible for tax deduction purposes if you itemize (consult the IRS or your tax advisor for details).

To donate your car call toll free 1-877-277-HFHI (4344)  or fill our donation form.